Source: base/io.js

 * maryamyriameliamurphies.js
 * A library of Haskell-style morphisms ported to ES2015 JavaScript.
 * base/io.js
 * @file I/O functions.
 * @license ISC

/** @module base/io */

import {isTuple} from '../tuple';

 * Get the value of an object as a string. Calls the object's `valueOf` method.
 * @param {*} a - The object to show
 * @returns {string} The stringified value of the object
 * @kind function
 * const lst = list(1,2,3);
 * const tup = tuple(1,2);
 * show(lst);               // => [1:2:3:[]]
 * show(tup);               // => (1,2)
export const show = a => isTuple(a) ? `(${Object.values(a).map(e => e.valueOf())})` : a.valueOf();

 * Display the results of `show` on the console for debugging or other purposes.
 * @param {*} a - The value to print
 * @returns {Function} The `console.log` function applied to the return value of `show(a)`
 * @kind function
 * @example
 * const lst = list(1,2,3);
 * print(lst);              // "[1:2:3:[]]"
/* global console */
/* eslint no-console: ["error", { allow: ["log"] }] */
export const print = a => console.log(show(a));